What Is It?



The Stokesley Heritage Project was a 3 year project which began in 2011 with a successful bid by the Stokesley Society to the National Lottery for funds to research and publicise the History and Heritage of Stokesley. One of the aims of the project wass to encourage wide participation in the research and appreciation of the town and it was therefore decided that the group would advertise its aims and invite participation in the production of 3 leaflets dealing with different aspects of the town's past. (See Stokesley Heritage - Leaflets)

In the second stage of the project, Stokesley Schools were engaged in their own researches, particularly into the time of the Great War. Members of the group continued their researches into areas of their own choosing, some of which will eventually be published in booklets and/or web articles.

The third stage included further research, talks and exhibitions as well as supporting the creation of a Stokesley Heritage Trail which will in time feature up to six information boards at key locations. A leaflet to guide visitors around the town will be published soon, ahead of the placing of the panels.

Launching the Leaflets


The first 3 leaflets were officially launched on Monday evening 19th November 2012 at Stokesley Methodist Church, where TV personality John Grundy entertained a packed house in his inimitable style, giving his own take on Stokesley and its attractions. Perhaps we erred in not devoting one leaflet to the fish and chip shop of which he made special mention…

For more on this event see John Grundy

RIGHT - Members of the Stokesley Society (Heritage) Committee pose with John Grundy at the launch event, November 2012
Left to Right: Chris Taylor, Kev Cale (kneeling), David Maudsley, Frank Robinson (with leaflets), John Grundy, the late and much missed Eric Lee, and Hugh Charman (Chairman)

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