October 7th 2013


Kev Cale reviewed plans for the Primary School. He will be working with Year 5 (age 9-10) with 60 children, divided in to 2 classes. He will repeat the programme used in July with the previous Year 5, which was well received:
Session 1 - Meet the Heritage Professionals - in hall all of Yr 5, and more if you feel appropriate
Session 2 - Artefact Workshop in hall all of Yr 5
Session 3 - Guided Walk around Stokesley - two groups each one hour tours
Session 4 - Trip to North Yorkshire Records Office – two groups.

He is also offering a session which looks at life in Stokesley in 1913 this year, and 1914 next year considering the impact of the Great War. This might be accommodated by an after School club session. Hugh will check with Chris Bainbridge if the Local history Group material in the Library can be used (answer yes). Kev also has DVD’s of visits to museums etc which could be used.

He will check with the Secondary School on options, following up last year’s Worksheet.


Chris Taylor reported progress on Pannier ways, Roads, Turnpikes and Coaching Inns (the Tontine is on the Great North Road), and Alan Crosskill on Railways, with people’s memories providing interesting material. Kev Cale noted that Quarter Session documents could help (they have been digitised, accessible on the Record Office web site), and recommended Jim Sedgewick (Northallerton Local History Group) as a source on Railways.


David Maudsley is considering factors that led to Stokesley becoming a regional centre, as opposed to Swainby and Gt Ayton and examining some deeds given to Richard Smelt, referring to the Manor House in the 1920s, two other locations dated 1707-1777, defined by the names of owners of the adjacent properties, and land adjacent to the Iron Bridge.


John Edwards is checking what information is available, and entering sites within 2 miles of Stokesley on a map.


Hugh Charman is preparing a talk on this has and will be visiting Brompton which was an important location for flax.


Frank Robinson has given July 2014 as the deadline for receiving material for publication. The Application for the HLF grant stated that we present results with fourth leaflet, talks and guided walks. We now think that a booklet would also be appropriate, eg for the volume of information relating to Transport. Kev noted that HLF could say that a booklet was not mentioned in the Application and so not fund it. Hugh will check the allocation of funds in the Application and the Progress Report. Alan said that we needed to define more precisely what we aimed to produce. Agreed that an evening meeting should be held with Frank, before the November Forum. Keith is presenting the Great War research on the Web site and in a talk: we need to check whether he wants it included in a publication. The Web site should also continue to be used for presenting work.

7. Northallerton Local History Society have been approached concerning an exchange of guided walks. Jim Sedgwick (the Chairman) proposed that we should meet with them to discuss this and other items of mutual interest. Relevant topics are Transport, evolution of the town, and Flax. They meet on Friday mornings at the Record Office.

8. Future Forums
The next one is booked for Monday 4 Nov. The programme for next year can include a meeting with Barry Harrison, and a Forum at the Record Office.

Hugh Charman

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