Attendance: 6 with 4 apologies.
Internet Site: Keith has photographed the pages of the Book of Remembrance in the Parish church for entering on the site. Stokesley Local History Group has made a start on a Wikidot site for displaying their records. They agree that the two sites should be linked, and will discuss this when they have considered their plans and options. Keith would welcome a meeting to discuss how his site is best structured. HC will arrange a meeting, with Kev attending, and invite Clare Williams (who withdrew as a participant due to family commitments).
World Wars: Keith Burton has found a lot of material. An appeal for local material will be made through a Press Release - KB to prepare, forward to HC who will pass it on to DW for issue. An Exhibition in the Town Hall would also provide an opportunity for the public to participate.
The Manor & Development of the Town: David and Keith are going to a course in Northallerton on mediaeval local history which has proved to be relevant eg information on Burghage Plots, and the impact of the Black Death with a 50% drop in population leading to major changes eg shortage of labour. David is investigating when Stokesley’s layout was established, the ownership of land and family names. The National Archives at Kew have relevant material not at Northallerton, eg a transfer of a chantry in 1375. Kev recommended a visit to the Yorkshire Archeology Society in Leeds. A forum at the Northallerton Records Office will be arranged, booking the Park Room. Kev emphasized that we should identify in advance what we want to look at and inform the Office in advance. Kev noted that an internet site offers digital Mapping software which shows height changes of 20 cm by means of different colours, for example useful for spotting Ridge & furrow, cost about £20.
Travel through the Ages: Hugh reported that Chris had prepared a draft write up on Pannier Ways, Trods and Roads. Kev recommended a study of the Quarter Session Records at the Record Office.
Buildings: Hugh has given a guided walk to consider interesting buildings associated with interesting people. Three people came, including Chris Bainbridge with notes for a talk, An Armchair Walk around Stokesley High Street. Agreed that she is invited to give this to a Stokesley Society open meeting (she has since agreed to do this). Her notes could be used for a publication jointly by the Stokesley society and the Local History Group. Keith’s wife is interested in researching Preston Grammar School.
Plaques: Derek had a number of draft plaques. It was agreed that these should be compared with some of the other plaques to judge the amount of information to include. Lynda Purnell had shown Hugh a picture of a resin Plaque that SPIOTA plan to put on the ziggurat, which he thought matched well with the existing Plaques.
School Involvement: Kev has not received a response from the Primary School on the timing of his work with them this term. It was agreed that he should persevere for a week or so, then consider switching our support to the Secondary school, although the large numbers there would make expeditions difficult. While there are a number of ideas for Work Sheets for Stokesley School it was agreed that we should just use the Ridge and Furrow Worksheet for this academic year.
Neolithic Remains: One of Hugh’s neighbours mentioned Saxon remains from a peat bog at Seamer Grange Farm which had been examined by somebody from Durham University. Kev thought that they were Neolithic remains examined by Jim Innes, of the Geography Dept. This needs further investigation and consideration.
Future Meetings: Agreed the Church Hall too big for our numbers, and the acoustics poor.
Hugh Charman