The Stokesley Heritage Project
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New on this Site (March 2020)
Eileen Armstrong and her Book
Eileen Armstrong was a remarkable local woman who passed the last years of her life at Town Close. However, her career in the Civil Service in the years before and after the Second World War saw her break though a glass ceiling which in her younger days was even more restrictive than perhaps it is today. Nevertheless, family was Eileen's chief concern, and her retirement was triggered by her concerns for the needs of her ageing father.
Eileen eventually brought him home to Stokesley to care for him, and while doing so, wrote a history of her family. She also wrote about her own life and career. A while ago, Eileen's writings were passed to Val and Keith Burton, who transcribed them for possible publication, (something Eileen had herself been considering).
Click on the following link and you can read about Eileen Armstrong and her Book for yourself!
Marian and Charles Hall: Some Notes from the Interwar Years
Marian and Charles were brother and sister and lived at Springfield. Marian was a committed Christian, an ecologist before the term was invented, and devoted to her mother and to her war veteran brother Charles, who had lost a leg in the First World War. Charles was an engineer at Smith's Dock and a tireless worker for the benefit of Stokesley.
This selection of their writings provides a fascinating insight into life in the first half of the last century, when cars were rare and department stores in London and even factories could be tourist attractions!
See Charles and Marion Hall; Life in the 1930s
Some older "news"…
Henry Farrow Mudd
We have always said we would be most grateful if readers who can supplement our information would contact us by email at moc.loa|gatirehyelsekots#moc.loa|gatirehyelsekots.
As a result we were contacted by Anthony Wilson, grand-nephew of Henry Farrow Mudd (The Fallen). See the photos and 1918 letter he provided for us at Mudd H F!
And there is more! See Henry Farrow Mudd - Pioneer of Recorded Church Music Thanks Tony!
The Preston Grammar School
Left - Portrait of Lady Mary Ingilby from Ripley Castle - Copyright Sir Thomas Ingleby
We thank Sir Thomas for sending us this photograph showing the lady whose marriage into the Ingilby line brought about a family link with the Preston family. Read more about her (and the way the link affected the school) at The Preston Grammar School and John Preston senior
Right - John Schubert of Victoria, Australia with a book given as a prize in 1871 at the Preston Grammar School (Stokesley)
Click on Edmund Barker's Prize to learn more about the incredible story of a book that travelled from Stokesley to Australia, and then came back again!.
More information on the Stokesley Society and the leaflet topics can be found at
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